S1823502-01 ELT KANNAD 406 AS
Part number: S1823502-01
Description: ELT KANNAD 406 AS

S1823502-01 repair capability
We have in-house repair capability at Repaero for S1823502-01 to CAA Part 145, EASA Part 145, FAA Part 145
Further information
Our Reprogram fee is $250.00 (1 day) reprogram and battery change is approx. $1500.00 (2 days). Released with FAA EASA and CAA airworthiness certification.
Reprogram sheet must be completed before work can commence.
This unit has been programmed / released using our maintenance dongle. If you wish to purchase from us you will need to complete a reprogramming form so the unit will work on your aircraft. Antenna are sold separately, in-line with OEM guidelines.
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