Allaero holds an extensive inventory of Agusta/Leonardo AW109A, AW109C, AW109E and AW109S parts including all AW109 rotables.
In addition through Repaero, Allaero’s CAA/EASA/FAA 145 approved MRO, we are able to overhaul and cap check AW109 main batteries as well as reprogramme and test Kannard ELTs.
Please contact our sales department for any Agusta AW109 spare parts request.
In addition through Repaero, Allaero’s CAA/EASA/FAA 145 approved MRO, we are able to overhaul and cap check AW109 main batteries as well as reprogramme and test Kannard ELTs.
Please contact our sales department for any Agusta AW109 spare parts request.